Monday, August 20, 2012


Let's get the ball rollin', yeah? I don't understand that after not getting the leadership position you desired and expected, and knowing why you didn't get the position, and not changing anything about yourself, expecting the leadership position next year. That is the definition of insanity. You are insane. Being an aggressive jerk all the time is not the kind of leadership we're looking for in our ensemble and even though you might think that strategy works (I disagree), it's not what our ensemble's philosophy is. Sorry. Maybe, considering you are a naive 15 year old, you should look at the reasons you didn't get drum captain, and look to improve yourself instead. If you are set in stone about being a douche bag to everyone and you think that works, then fine, be that way, but you won't be helping out our program anytime soon. I know that when I hate someone, listening to them is not something I want to do and being a jerk to everyone is how to get them to hate you. And that's just the basics. If your entire section hates you, how are they supposed to trust you? How are they supposed to look up to you and admire you? How are they supposed to start seeing the line as a family? These things are also important qualities of a student leader, and creating an interpersonal bond with every member of the line seems impossible if you make yourself an enemy.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I might not be the nicest of individuals on the field and it's okay to be a little harsh at times, but not so much that nothing positive leaves your mouth. No one likes a negative nancy. Remember when you were a freshman, and the directors would call you out on what seemed like everything? Remember when you couldn't fix everything at once, and had to take baby steps? you have to be empathetic with the newbies. If they miss their dot on a rep, chances are they knew, but were too flustered with their technique or whatever they were playing to concentrate on hitting the line on count 4. If, however, they miss their dot 3 times in a row, it's probably okay to lean over and remind them that they need to take bigger steps on set 46. No need to be rude about the correction. I'd say that's a very young thing to do. Being rude just to feel powerful. Everyone already knows you're the strongest player, that's written in the drill. You don't need to reiterate the point with meanness.

I guess what I've tried to say in this inconsistent rant is that you didn't get drum captain because you're rude, all the time. You should first, stop trying to be drum captain. You did not get the role. Sorry. Second, stop correcting every issue you can find in the line. And third, take a step back, realize your imperfections, and work on them. Please. For the sake of the drumline.

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